4 | Challenge Your Peers
Monday, September 23
04:30 PM - 05:30 PM
Live in Berlin
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Program manager Responsible Mobility, at EAISI (Eindhoven AI Systems Institute, as part of Eindhoven University of Technology)
Within the Program Responsible Mobility, TU/e combines a diversity of expertise for solving societal challenges on sustainable, inclusive safe and efficient transport. Thematic scope:
* Safe, clean and energy efficient mobility; vehicle level & system level
* Efficient logistics, incorporating new vehicle concepts
* Human behavior, acceptance
* Accelerating energy and mobility transitions through integral, multidisciplinary research
Since 2021, Executive Board Member CCAM Partnership, leading Cluster 5 Key enabling Technologies
Since 2022, member of the Delegation to the Partnership Board, 2Zero Partnership
2013-2020 EARPA Secretary General, since then Foresight Group leader on Connectivity, Automation, Safety
Educated as mechanical engineer, TU/e
Worked at TNO from 2001 - 2019, mainly in the field of automotive, safety of road mobility.